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Recommendation forms must be completed by the child’s current teacher. Completed forms are returned directly to Capital Day School. For students applying for grades one through eight, complete transcripts of academic history are required before admissions decisions can be made. The longest delays in the admission process are frequently the result of securing teacher recommendations and academic transcripts.



Teachers make observations of preschool and kindergarten students while parents attend an orientation. After the student separates from parents, the teachers observe the student’s ability to listen, communicate, cooperate, and follow directions.


Students applying to grades one through eight complete an academic screening assessment to determine their academic readiness and fit in their prospective class.

The best way to determine if Capital Day School is the right choice for you and your child is to visit the school, meet our students and staff, and become familiar with our school mission. To arrange a visit or to request detailed information about applying for admission, please e-mail our office, or call (502) 227-7121. For visit information, click here.


Applications are accepted throughout the year, but it is best to apply in early spring when open enrollment for the next school year begins. This increases the likelihood that there is space for your child, and it ensures plenty of time to complete the admission process. You may ask for an application when you visit the school, or you may e-mail your request.


The completed application and a $50.00 non-refundable screening fee must be received by Capital Day School before your child will be screened for admission.


Application for Admission


It is recommended that students in grades five through eight visit Capital Day School for a full day to shadow classes. For all students, an interview of the student and parents with the Admissions Director and/or Head will be arranged to allow the prospective student and family to become better acquainted with the school and to ensure that the student and Capital Day School will be a successful match.

A letter of acceptance and an enrollment contract are sent to the parents of the admitted student. Enrollment is official once the signed contract and contract registration are returned to the school.


If you qualify for financial aid, the best education in Franklin and surrounding counties may cost less than that offered by our competitors.  Please click on the financial aid tab for information about how to apply.


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