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Spanish CDS

From Kindergarten through 8th grade, Spanish classes are taught mostly in the target language to support a total immersion approach to learning, and conversation is heavily emphasized.  Students enter CDS with little to no exposure to the language and leave as an 8th grader with conversational confidence ready to enter advanced classes and communicate in a world beyond the walls of the school.  

Capital Day School provides a supportive learning atmosphere that promotes intellectual, cultural, physical, and social growth in all students.


High standards of academic pursuit are achieved through knowledgeable and stimulating instruction carried on in an intimate, nurturing environment.  A strong emphasis is placed on critical thinking and problem solving, communication, teamwork, leadership, and creativity.  Capital Day School aids in the education of the whole child by providing a curriculum that includes STEAM, reading, creative and expository writing, social studies, and Spanish.


Capital Day School generates a strong sense of community.  Personal standards of character are demonstrated by work ethic, self-discipline, resilience, courage, empathy, respect, and responsibility on the part of each student. 

Capital Day School Philosophy




Capital Day School Mission

Capital Day School is dedicated to empowering students in early childhood classes through the eighth grade for success through an enriched curriculum that inspires academic excellence and individual growth. 


The school promotes in students a strong sense of independence and responsibility for themselves and for others.  Capital Day School welcomes students of diverse backgrounds and inspires intellectual curiosity in a positive, nurturing, and safe environment.

Join the Parent Council work on “A Capital Affair”

This year, the Parent Council will be working with several CDS Board members to produce our biggest annual 

fundraiser, “A Capital Affair” on April 30th.

Admissions Ambassadors Needed

CDS needs more good families.  You can help by promoting CDS to families that you think would be good 

additions to our community.  Yard signs, school brochures and business cards are available in the office. 

Please contact Mr. Corkran to start helping today.


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