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If you qualify for financial aid, the best education in Franklin and surrounding counties may cost less than that offered by our competitors.


Capital Day School offers financial aid to assist qualified students who otherwise would be unable to attend. Eligibility is based upon need as determined by the Parents’ Financial Statement and the Capital Day School Application for Financial Aid. The families of all CDS students are given the opportunity to apply for assistance.


As a member institution of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), Capital Day School utilizes NAIS’s School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS), a comprehensive financial aid services solution. SSS provides schools with an objective methodology for calculating a family’s ability to contribute to educational expenses. A family may access SSS online to complete the Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) financial aid application each academic year. The application fee is about $45.00. A copy of the previous year's Federal Income Tax Return, including all attachments, must also be submitted to SSS.


Applications of returning families are due by February 29th; new families should apply as soon as possible. 

Directions for applying for tuition assistance:

  • Return contract and deposit to the office

  • Submit the Capital Day School Application for Financial Aid, including a letter describing your family’s present financial situation and the circumstances which make receiving tuition assistance necessary. Submit the application in a sealed envelope to Tim Corkran, Head of School.

  • Submit the Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) to SSS online.

  • Submit a copy of your prior year's Federal Income Tax Return, including all attachments, to SSS. (due by May 1st)




Materials fees ($125 for preschool students) and textbook, consumables, and technology fees (totaling $300 for students in grades K-8) have been included with the tuition in order to allow families to pay for them in monthly installments. Families may choose a 10-month or 12-month payment plan, or if the entire tuition is paid prior to May 31, a three percent (3%) discount is allowed. A $175.00 contract registration fee, included in the total annual tuition, is due upon submission of the enrollment contract.


The Responsible Party may terminate this contract prior to July 1. See contract for more information.


After school care:

After school care is available for preschool students from 12:00-5:00 for $200 per

month; After school care is available for kindergarten-8th grade students from 3:00-5:00

for $8.50 per day.


Financial Aid:

Financial aid is available to qualified applicants for a portion of the tuition.

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