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Capital Day School’s middle school offers a challenging academic atmosphere that

stimulates intellectual curiosity and encourages excellence. In a variety of learning

settings, an exceptional faculty is committed to helping students reach their potential by encouraging them to develop critical thinking skills and form habits that prepare them to meet the demands of a college preparatory high school curriculum.


The middle school curriculum is designed and developed by each department using

national standards, best practices, and the experience and depth of knowledge of

individual teachers to keep the curriculum rigorous. Our low student-teacher ratio

enables us to understand the nuances of individual learning styles and to accommodate for them in ways that will lead to the greatest possible success. Curriculum is integrated through close communication and collaboration among the teachers.


Classes offered daily include: Mathematics, science, social studies, and a double period of English. Accelerated math and conversational Spanish classes are also offered.  Fifth graders have enrichment classes in art, technology, drama, Spanish, music, and physical education. The sixth, seventh, and eighth graders take Spanish four days a week, physical education two days a week, and rotate among technology, health and wellness, engineering lab, and geography each nine weeks. Every day starts with an elective period, which students choose a new every 9 weeks. Offerings include drawing, painting, sculpture, jam band, chorus, drama, and fitness.

An active student council develops leadership skills and organizes activities to provide opportunities for social development and community service. Students also participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities, after-school academic competitions, and sports.


They participate in curriculum enriching field trips and field studies. All Capital Day

students enjoy recess twice daily. Students are supported by faculty members who are available to provide extra help and encouragement, and who serve as advisors for the fifth through eighth grade students.


While many elements contribute to the success of the middle school experience, the

positive relationship that teachers cultivate with the students is of central importance.


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