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Parent Council

What is the Parent Council?

The Parent Council is an organization which serves as a liaison between the parents and the school board, administration, and faculty.

The president is a voting member of the Board of Trustees. The Parent Council operates by authorization of the Board of Trustees of Capital Day School.

Every parent is a member of the Capital Day School Parent Council and is encouraged to pay yearly dues and to help with various committees formed by the Parent Council.

The Parent Council is made up of two representatives of each class (preschool through grade eight), and four officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The election of officers takes place at the end of the school year (May meeting). The officer serves a one-year term. The president-elect must be a current member of the Parent Council Board. The Parent Council President retains a seat on and is a fully empowered and voting member of the Board of Trustees. This allows for direct input from the Parent Council to the Board of Trustees and helps keep the lines of communication open. Parent Council Representatives are selected each year, normally in the May meeting of the current school year to serve during the next school year. Any parent may volunteer for this position by notifying the office that he or she is interested in serving as the Parent Council representative for a certain class.



The purpose of the Parent Council is to strengthen the relationship between parents and the school, and to foster parent support for the ongoing activities of the school.



Parent Council meetings are generally held monthly and are listed on the school calendar. Teachers and staff are encouraged to participate in Parent Council meetings and functions. A Capital Day School Board of Trustees member will be present at each regularly scheduled Parent Council meeting. All committees consist of at least one Parent Council Board representative and whatever additional support they may need from the parent body as a whole.

Requests of any kind from students, parents, and all other entities made of the Parent Council must be presented to the Parent Council Board members and voted on for approval before granted. Requests from faculty and staff must be presented with the approval of the Head of School.


Read the Parent Council bylaws here.

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