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Duke TIP


The Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP) identifies academically gifted students and provides them with resources to support their development. It helps educators and families find out how advanced their students’ abilities truly are and what level of educational challenge is appropriate. Eligible seventh grade students are invited to take the ACT or SAT college entrance exams. This allows them greater insight into their abilities and gives them the opportunity to preview the same test they will face during the college admissions process.

Qualifying seventh grade Talent Search materials are delivered to the school in September so that registration for the ACT/SAT Tests can be made. Qualifying fourth and fifth grade students may also take a modified version of the ACT/SAT tests.

Eligible students must have scored at the 90th percentile or above for fourth and fifth grades and at the 95th percentile or above for seventh grade on a grade level standardized achievement, aptitude, or mental ability test or approved state criterion referenced test. Scores from either of the two most recent test administrations are acceptable; mental ability tests must be no more than two years old; and students need only qualify on one acceptable composite or sub test area.

Governor's Cup

Capital Day School participates in the Governor’s Cup competition, sponsored by the Kentucky Association for Academic Competition. There are Elementary Grades (four and five) and Middle Grades (six through eight) teams. Students are offered five areas of written assessment: Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Arts and Humanities, plus Written Composition. There are teams for Future Problem Solving (FPS) and Quick Recall (QR) for both age groups.

Individual students may compete in as many as three events. Student winners and FPS and QR teams advance from District to Regional competition, and middle grade competitors may advance to state level competition.

Tryouts and practice for Governor’s Cup begin in the fall, and competitions are held from late January through early March. Our students compete very well in Governor’s Cup, with students advancing to the highest levels of competition every year.

Kentucky Youth Assembly

In the fall, Capital Day School seventh and eighth grade students participate in the Kentucky Youth Assembly (KYA) sponsored by the Kentucky YMCA Youth Association, Inc.

The Kentucky Youth Assembly (KYA) is a three-day experiential learning conference in which students participate directly in the Commonwealth’s democratic process. Acting as Senators and Representatives, students will write, debate, and vote on legislation that affects them. As candidates, lobbyists, or members of the media, students experience the rich spectrum of activity that constitutes our political process. As advocates and justices, students argue and judge a legal case in the actual Supreme Court chambers of Kentucky. Officers elected by students serve as Governor, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Media Corps Editor in Chief, and other conference leadership.

KYA offers students the opportunity to learn about a wide variety of issues, develop critical thinking skills, and articulate their beliefs while engaging constructively with those who hold like and opposing views.


MathCounts is a national math competition program which combines the leadership and sponsorship of education, business, government, and the technological community for the purpose of encouraging and developing math and science skills in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students.

The contest emphasizes problem solving skill within traditional middle school mathematics. MathCounts competitors compete as individuals and as a team. Competitors can advance from chapter competition to state and national levels.

Visit the MathCounts website.

Spelling Bee

The teachers and students in grades one through four enjoy a spelling bee contest within each classroom near the end of school.

Young Authors

Capital Day School students in first through eighth grades participate in a Young Authors program in which they write and publish their original stories. The program is a celebration of writing and allows the students to see themselves as authors. The Young Authors program gives students experience in writing, revising, and editing and encourages the students to be creative thinkers.

Students write their first drafts using time in English class. They edit and revise their work and create and illustrate their own books. There will be a first place and honorable mention award in each class chosen by the students and a Teachers’ Choice award.

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