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For All CDS Families and Friends:
Big congratulations to the students and coaches of our middle school Governor's Cup team. On Saturday, they finished 3rd in their region and are going to the state competition in several aspects of Governor's Cup.

The Quick Recall team, consisting of Jake Broaddus, Connor Jackson, Jill Jacobs, Afeef and Adnan Shaik, Jack Lynch, Cooper Martin, Dan McDonald, Claire Pinkston, Diksha Satish, and Olivia Moore, finished second in the region to qualify. They are coached by Beth McDonald with help from Zach Webb and a number of volunteers. The Future Problem Solvers team of Layla Tahanasab, Jill Jacobs, Olivia Moore, and Ana Razavi, also finished second in the region to qualify. They are coached by Kris Murphy. Claire Pinkston qualified for state with a 49/50 on her Language Arts exam and Diksha Satish qualified in math with 41/50 on her Math exam.  

This is a wonderful testimony to the commitment of these kids, the guidance of their coaches, the support of their parents, and the positive atmosphere at CDS.  When you consider that our team draws from a student body that is one fourth to one tenth of our competitors, you realize what a special group this is.

If you are interested in the details of the results, check out

On to the state competition!!




Governor's Cup
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